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Client Director, Executive Coach

Mark Jenner

He draws from extensive experience leading leadership development in companies like EY and Barclays Bank, and from running his own business as a talent, learning, and leadership development adviser to clients in a wide range of industries and sectors.


Mark is currently supporting his clients in four areas:

• Ensuring leadership frameworks and capability profiles evolve so leaders know how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital era, such as interdependence and cooperation, the shift from authority to influence, and the speed of change.

• Designing employee life-cycle learning processes which facilitate growth and performance in all seasons of the job, from on-boarding to performance-in-role to inclusion in talent programmes/processes and transition into roles of bigger scope and scale.

• Extending the principles of high-performance teamwork to the challenges of large-scale organizational collaborations, including mergers, alliances, and communities of practice.

• Directing innovative leadership programmes that connect individual and group development to issues and problems that matter to the organisation, such as performance, collaboration, innovation, and growth.

Recently, Mark won the Silver “Excellence in Practice” Award from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) for a leadership programme he designed and facilitated for Old Mutual Wealth. He has created the Enterprise Action LabTM which develops growth leaders in an idea-to-impact, business incubation life-cycle, for Dentsu Aegis Network. He is currently orchestrating global talent programmes for Mace Group in the UK, and for Prudential in the UK and China.

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